If you go to Top Webcomics, you'll see a hundred cool webcomics that people vote for. My problem is... the descriptions. No, in fact, I don't want a comic about sex. Or sex with furries. Or gay sex. Or lesbian sex. Or any other "interesting sexual roads." What the hell happened to good fantasy/adventure comics? Granted, there are a lot of those on there, but goddamn, guys, way too many of them are about fucking in interesting ways.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that there's more to life than that. And more to storylines than that. I don't care if I sound like some uptight bitch by saying this, but seriously... People are running out of ideas. I've noticed it myself. I've been writing lately, and I can't help but think "Hey, this sounds kinda like
Now that I think of it... that'd be interesting. See if you can get a random word generator. Say, a version of Microsoft Word that puts random words in a document. See how many tries it takes for it to make sense.
Free art via mail for whoever figures that out and can prove it.