
Hold that #1 down

Let's face it, he's protective of me when Jerry can't be. Gotta respect that to some degree, right? Only thing is that he doesn't have the power of being the real life bf of being able to just scare fanboys away with mere presence... Oh well.


Scarlet Xzorn said...


Curator said...

if i remember right, you said once that you weren't a fanboy but rather a "guardian god." glad you got over that and admitted you were a fanatical fanboy. :P

Scarlet Xzorn said...

I'm both.

Like... Dare I say it?

Michael Jackson

Curator said...

okay now i'm considering banning you from the site for saying you're like whacko jacko... aw shit now i have to post that pic...
yikes. yikes yikes yikes.