

If you look on Kumoi's blog, you'll eventually find somewhere in the archives a picture of Link from the Zelda series drawn as a girl. I didn't like it, so I drew a man-Zelda of sorts. That picture wasn't very good, but this new one is!


Anonymous said...

ZELDA ROX! OMG!.......

Sorry, I can't restrain myself. But Legend of Zelda games are my favorite games. Twilight Princess is da awesomestest game as of right now in my book. And you all need to know this because it is vital to the secret of life...

For those of you who think the guys name is Zelda (not saying you do, Wulfie) it's not. It's Link. LINK! GWAHAHAHAHAHA...

*is clubbed on the head so the lunatic raving stops*

Curator said...

thank you, whoever did that. o.o"" *nudges the knocked out person with her foot*