
Pics from hippie's house!

A few nights ago, I went over to hang out at Caylyn's house! Woo!

A sports composite of Caylyn jigging with a strobe light going.


And when my internet decides to be a bit faster, I'll post the rest of the pictures. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

How splendid and swell.
We shall do it again.

...Fridayish. lol

love, peace, post some more!
yo' hippie momma

peachykeen5014 said...

woo! oh, by the way, did you hear? i heard on the radio that three doors down from twenty past four is a new store, called the little hippie store XD

Curator said...

uhm... i posted that one above... i guess my sister checked the little "stay logged in" box or whatever. not nice to do that on -my- computer... -.-#

Anonymous said...


Anyway, I was gonna say, you need to add more about Jorn in the RP journal, and about how Xzorn had been skewering worgen :P

Curator said...

i have an idea, since i'm lazy...

we could just say either one of those guys stole tele's journal and wrote in it themselves...

that would keep me from having to do anything...

*falls asleep*

seriously, though, i've been banned from the computer for a while...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that <.<

no www or com

Curator said...


Anonymous said...

I also needed to tell you, that when you reach that website click on index, it will bring you straight to the paint program. Poor Tel, she has to post at six in the morning.