Okay. This is bad timing. Plans for rp have been held up by the fact that i have been banned from WoW for a while. (how ever long that is. ugh) The person who banned me is undoubtedly the lying, manipulating, whorish, fiendish, stupid, slutty, village-bike-everyone's-had-a-damn-ride ASHERAN. (ooh did i just post her name? ooh i think i did!) The reason for my banning is probably some cock-and-bull story she came up with about me molesting someone or something stupid and highly offensive like that. But whatever it is, this is what it looked like when we were arguing. The black spaces were guild chat, which I decided to omit just in case the guild thought it would be a loss of privacy.
And YES, I DO screenshot everything.
-#- Due to the ceaseless bitching about her rights that she so definitely deserves, I have decided it's best to take the screenshots off the site. I won't email them on request, so don't bother asking. Why do I do this? Oh, I don't wanna take up all the server space. ^_^ Plus the comments are enough to convince someone of what everyone says about Ash. It's very interesting, really. She comes up with all these lies about me and everyone else, but everyone and I have truthful facts about her that are just as bad as her lies. Worse, really, since they're true. ;D
Comments have been disabled. This has gone on long enough.
Love and kisses and crowbars,
by the way. xzorn, you're in so much trouble... -.-#
Asheran, The Bitch with the Permanent Period
she stopped taking her normal-person pills a loooong time ago >.>
Tel, how long is the banning??
You're so nice, Tele. <3 Too bad you didn't post the whole first half of the conversation. :3
Also. You -DO- know that all whispers/partychat/guildchat/etc is recorded automatically, right? They have automatic records of all whispers and obviously saw that you were in the wrong. :)
Oooh, I'm Asheran and I have a mental illness so I have to be respected, oh I can be a bitch whenever the hell I want to and everyone has to kiss my ass for it too! HAH! WHAT... A... BITCH! Asheran, if you read this, you are a nut and need serious help. Damn, just like my aunt Christy, go get a frikking life, you can't have everyone under your thumbnail.
Oh and Teleia, I'm sorry about that plant thing, I read the part about how nobody tells you the truth anymore. It's not that we wanted to fool you, we wanted you to come to Nagrand so we could all hang out together. XD. Sorry if it offended you though... Damn... what a bitch.
Teh Elfangor
This is Ganoes, 'Lo. Figuretry this shit out. >.> I agree with Teh Elfy. Heh, I used to be one of Ash's dogs, back when was actually a sane, good, respectable person. But then, I come to realise- Ss never any of those. Burn in the deepest reaches of hell. Wait... forgot again! Your spawned from tha place. Well, we can only hope God strikes your sorry bitch ass down.
Logan Rose. A.K.A. Ganoes.
jesus christ, how pathetic is it for the person who's so hated to come to my site and try to lie their way out of something AGAIN?? oh. i know how. VERY pathetic. and don't try to pull that one, you know very well that the damn guild chat didn't have anything to do with it (which is why i omitted it, since it'd be distracting with the guildies talking about the grand marshal's staff or whatever) and also why would i ask who you were HALFWAY INTO A CONVERSATION?? i asked that as soon as you were like "hey there" or whatever the fuck you said (don't care anyways).
but yeah don't try to do that whole mental illness pity me bullshit. i inherited bipolar. i've got ADHD. do i bitch about it? no. i only mention it if it's reasonable to mention it. so don't use something that's wrong with you as an excuse for your behavior. smack yourself across the face and tell yourself that you can do better than that.
or can you? who knows. probably not.
oh. and yes, i am nice. thanks for noticing.
The chat for the last few minutes IS recorded by blizz and read when you get reported. Blizz punishes you for saying bad words whether or not you are right.
Oh, and to Asheran. Even if you have a mental illness, if you blame it on the illness instead of yourself, eventually you start doing shit that you know isn't right and blaming it on the condition. Even if by some psychotic lapse you do something stupid, apologize for it. Take the blame and we'll forgive you.
Love and Death and all those emo words,
ooh, that's kinda bad. they count cuss words? even if you're right?...
FUCK. >.<"
Xzorn, many others and I've already tried that before when we've made mistakes and no one cares. All anyone can do is yell at you people to get you to understand anything. n_n
ash. any more bullshit comments from you about how we should be nice to you even though you're a conniving, pathetic creature who shouldn't walk on this good earth anyways, and i'll delete them. get yourself off your ass and away from your computer and get some damn pills.
mmkay? mmkay. any more from you and i delete it.
Wow. Asheran is such a Bitch. Beastality. What the hell is that Girl thinking. Gimme Pitchforks. ASHERAN DIES.
mmmkay let's not hear any more from that nasty lady, mm? because she fails to realize that even though she can say anything she wants, she won't change anyone's opinion about herself or me by anything she says. especially not on my own goddamned site. ;D
Comment Deleted!
You go, girl!
Plus Ash, you came to Teleia and said, "Can we talk?" All because she had you on ignore, so you came to her, and you were a bitch to her, and therefore YOU ARE IN THE WRONG, BITCH! END.. OF... THE... DEAL... YOU ARE A BITCH! PERIODDD!!! Now either get over yourself, or go get some fucking pills. Jesus Christ, and then you keep comming back and trying to make it seem that you're right. SHUT... THE... FUCK... UP!!!!
Everybody else... <3
Woooo Nice Elf, You sure Said it! xD
"We all have our little problems." As a wise man ounce said to me. But sometimes, it goes too far. Asheran, you use your pathetic Illness bullshit all the time, to get away with shit. Your a fucking whore, a phyco, and do need help. And, I noticed how you pride yourself for hanging out with, oh, what's the word? Master Roleplayers. You know what I beleive it is? They're merely amused by your insanity. Just as I am. I'm laughing my fucking ass off as I type this. Perhaps my sanity is hanging by a thread too? No doubt because of my time with you. You never cared a shit about me. You only wanted attention for yourself. All those times, I spent at night, worrying about you, cause you say your going to suicide? Gone. Which remins me, of the times, -I- talked to -you- about suicide... you know what you did? Pushed me away, and told me to just do it or shut-up. Half the peaple didn't remember me when I was emo/depressed, but you do. You know more about me than any of these here. Oh, and Teleia..... thanks I ton. That really made me happy, you defending me from her. Again. :)
And also, Asheran... seriously. Grow up. Or grow some balls. your causing all kinds of hell 'cause a person RPs a worgen. I've RPed it before, too. At first, you didn't care, but when I mentioned Teleia? You went off, calling me a man-whore into beastiality and crap, a while back. And, also, your hatred of whores and lesbians seem odd. You keep odd company. You were with Syrinne and Adlyn earlier, in the Cathedral. A wee overly friendly, eh? So, again. Get your head straight, and get off the damn game. I know I am. I hope it comforts you, that I may be taking a gooooood loooong break from this game. So, ounce more. Get some help, quit the game, or slit your god damned wrists. Not a damn person there likes you, and almost all want rid of you. Do them all a favor. -Ganoes.
really, now, even if kanta and gan did do it with dudes, any sane person wouldn't have a problem with it. yeah, it's odd, but hey.
oh and yes, i did zap her. zapped her like a... bug zapper.
Oh SHE'S the one who's immature? lol, whoever just posted that, learn to read and get a life.
Damn, she's a bitch. She's got major issues...I haven't even talked to her myself, but I'm sure now I wont. Nice job shutting her the fuck up XD.
-Andy (A.K.A Andra or Andralas, or whatever you feel like calling me.)
Sorry to hear this idiocy has assaulted you. She cant do anything to you unless you curse because thats most likely what blizzard got you on. Honestly someone this stupid just ignore them. Hope the ban lifts soon.
wishing well from farstriders
Lawl, Elfy, you nub. XD
XD um, congratulations, elf, you get a bunny!
|elfeh rox!|
(\(\ /
oh and by the way, ash, if you even bother reading this thing anymore, if you post why i've been banned THIS time, i won't delete it. mmkay? mmkay. remember: wulfie is teh goddess here.
I sneak. I sneak i sneak around Tele's Blog. i Read i read i read Asherans Rude comments. I say i say i drop by and say hi.
And you. And you Got banned again? O_o
Real-Life Information:
This category includes both clear and masked language which:
- Releases any real life information about other players or Blizzard employees.
If a player is found to have used such language, he/she may:
- Be given a warning for releasing general personal information.
- Be temporarily suspended from the game for real life threats and/or releasing detailed personal information.
- Incur further real-life repercussions depending on the severity of the threat.
/Yelling the link to your blog in which you post screenshots of our conversation without MY persmission and other information about me is against the game rules and against the LAW. You wonder why I don't post my screenshots? Now you know. Not only will you be continually banned ingame for telling people things about me and/or linking to your blog whether in whispers or party/guild/say/yell (as long as you still have this post about me) you will also be reported to the police in your local area (by Blizzard AND I - I might add) unless you remove all screenshots of me talking confidentially and *PRIVATELY* to you or others. Say what you will or delete this comment - whichever. Just know the situation only gets worse for you Blizzard-wise AND legal-wise if you continue this "crusade" against me by insulting me ingame OR in this journal without MY persmission from now on. Thank you. :)
Daris is teh creepin', lurkin' vampy, lawl.
EDIT: To clarify my last part: Posting screenshots of me talking to you CONFIDENTIALLY in whispers is ILLEGAL. You have done so without my permission and without warning me that you would be posting it on your site to insult me and turn others against me even more-so.
My, quiet defensive of the bullshit you start, huh bitch? Ounce more, you succede in amusing me, greatly. Go suck something she busy both your fingers and mouth, bitch. Your going to be gone, sooner or later. I greatly regret not letting that one girl get you PERMA banned, so that you could turn around and betray, and wound me and my friends in many ways. So, get lost ya damn bitch.
So, whether either of us like it or not, you owe me big time, bitch. I saved your life with that, 'cause the fucking game IS your life. You would have suicided without it. So, just remember that.
Take it as what you will. I'm just stating the facts of the situation here. :)
Well, honestly Ash, I'm surprised some one with a mind like yours could have ever said something as high up like that, supporting blizz. *Rolls eyes* Did you get some one to do it for you? And don't try to ignore some of the things I say. You know it's true.
I have a very good mind. And I think you and many others underestimate how coherent I actually am to the things that go on around me. :)
Perhaps. But now, only if you could get your fucked up soul straightened, then maybe that mind could be put for good, instead of evil, and the bullshit you normally do. These things that go on around you? Incase you never noticed, cause your too fucking blinded by insanity, you have started all. For some of the most fucking PATHETIC bullshit ever. You even befriended Ellemoon, then turn around and disown her because of your paranoi. Even though, god knows she probably -did- do something wrong. But who knows with you. Your too fucked up to tell anything about. Your stains will forever be hard to purge, Asheran. And I suggest to get to purging, 'cause I think I hear the devil calling your name.
The devil's calling your name first, dear.
Oh, he has been for a long time. Ever since I threw my lot in with you. He's filled my minds with doubts, suspicions, made me a paranoid ass-hole. Fills me with anger. He trys to corrupt me more, these days. But I've embraced god, the true way. I know I'll never be a good person, but at least I can say I'm not evil. For how ever long I live, I'll strive to better myself, and keep on resisting the Devil's temptation. But, all he's done to me... I shudder to imagine what he's done to your poor soul, Asheran. And for what he will do, if you don't get your act straightened up. I pity you Asheran, I truely do. And I also pity those who've come in contact with you, including myself.
Asheran <3's teh cawk
you whore, don't you DARE talk to him that way on MY FUCKIN SITE. oh, and you only said anything to blizz about my site because you thought you were so important to me that i made a site about YOU. NO. look at the history, jackass, and you'll see this site is mainly my drawings and thoughts on the world.
oh and by the way. i don't care about legal trouble. you think i would? no. all i care about is keeping my friends safe from "people" (you're hardly a person, ash) like you who live to fuck their lives up. mmkay? we understand the situation here? of course i'm not telling you to grab your lawyer and skip to mah lou, but get over the fact that it won't affect me personally.
and by the way. i didn't threaten you. just get your head on straight, do everyone a favor, and leave the server. no one fuckin LIKES you, and if they do, it's because you're probably good at cybering or whatever. whatever anyone could like you for, i have no idea.
I go to church and stuff.. I also don't have sex with animals like your friends enjoy doing, Ganoes. That's a sure-fire way to go to hell. I am a good person and I'm surprised I ever called you a friend. You were always very fickle about people and things and you always will be.
Yay, I'm Pitied.
I have plenty of friends, I'm sorry you're always too busy having your head up Ganoes' and dogs' asses in the park to realize there is more to the game than that small area and the even smaller percentage of people who play there regularly.
And no, Teleia, I never said this site was made about me, are you THAT stupid? I said you had a post about me that was insulting and you've no right to do that and post screenshots of a PRIVATE conversation without warning me you would be doing it or asking for my permission.
oh, now you're a good person? now you're not fucked up in the head like you told me and everyone else you were? go to hell, ash. and get over the fact that i don't fuck animals.
you tried to get me to make a deal with you: i wouldn't say any more about you if you didn't say any more about that. even if i had gone along with it, i doubt you'd keep your end of it.
by the way, i'm no christian, but still... what kind of god likes someone who tries to turn friends against one another with lies and treachery?
think about that and go hump a lamp or something.
oh, right, i see the fact is that we're ignoring one of the reasons i got banned: for yelling my website.
Keep living in sin you animal fucking, beastiality-loving whore of a child. :D I never said I was perfect but I'm no where near as FUCKED UP as you are.
Asheran, Do us all a favor
Go through with your suicide threats next time
Dont tell her to hump a lamp she might get minor Burns.Tell her to Hump a Fireplace. Maybe she'l burn like the Crude "Female" she is.
I'm definitely all girl. So no reason for you to put the word 'female' in quotations.
You SURE your a female?
This is what just happened to asheran.
Yep. I'm pretty sure, considering all of my cousins/brothers/sisters play on Earthen Ring - they know I'm a girl. Also, Kanta and others have talked to me on the phone before - they can tell I'm a girl. And thirdly, people have seen pictures of me or have actually met me before so they, in fact, know that I am a girl. :D
Danm. Scratch that link died on me. -_-
>> Danmmit. I got owned there. I HATE CHU ASHERAN ><
i won't bother getting into a huge religious discussion, and if you try to start one i WILL stomp it out, but i'm a pagan. you can't threaten me with hell or the devil or what a sinner i am or how much god hates me or whatever, mostly because i don't believe any of those things exist. and wow, you're calling me a whore? how'd i get that label? tell me, who all have i been going and cybering nonstop with? really, i don't know. apparently you do, so fill me in, bizatch.
Asheran has just been Virtually BITCH SLAPPED
More like Spermslapped, Though she would enjoy that.
it's hard to insult a person when they don't care what the insulter says. ^_^
neato! now, who wants to help me post an image via instant messager? i have AIM, but my MSN isn't working right now. v.v
eew we don't do that o.o""
No one would Spermslap Asheran. They might get her pregnat and we'll have anyoing little Asheran babys running around >> THE HORROR. Oh, I might be playing WoW Around 6 :P MIGHT.
Asheran, learn about a person before making false lies. I know Teleia well... I've grown very attached to her, and I... really care for her and stuff. And, also. We actually spend alot more time then just in that area. Me, Teleia, and two others like to do all kinds of things together... They're probably the best peaple I've ever met, and have been there for me, as I have for them. True friends aren't bought, or fucked into having, Asheran. Though, I honestly cannot recall how me and said friends became that way, I know I'm probably one of the luckiest peaple alive to have them.
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't fuck people to make or keep friends nor for anything else your crazy head may think up.
Asheran just got Punched. xD
Crap. A bit late with tha comment.
:') aww gan...
one problem.
IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!!!!!!!! >.O### all this "anonymous anonymous anonymous anonymous" stuff is gonna make my head spin!! @_@
You can tell when its me because I'm useally the one whos making Upbeat comments.
oh, ash, you don't disappoint us. you just terrify us.
hehe dari
once again, id thyselves ~.~
Teleia,Ganoes,Daristine,Kanta,Elfangor- 999999
Asheran- -999999
-Daristine :3
"Teleia,Ganoes,Daristine,Kanta,Elfangor- 999999"
No no, put together.
Yeah, that counts for each of us. And We Times it(Minus) Vs all of ours. probley giving Asheran minus 48957489671348967589076890576890255789670825768925785
Oh, if I may make a random comment. I suggest you all get an actual user name, 'cause I think our dear, loving Asheran ios ging to start using the Anonymous crap to try to pretend to be one of us. The Daristine comments, most recent ones, I beleive to be Asheran. -Ganoes
see?? see?? reasons to get your own user names! O.O
Already done Dood.
Kekekekeke. All Ganoesed out, yo.
kek is Orcish for lol?
Damn, alot of stuff has happened in a span of what...18 hours or so? Anyhoo, Asheran, I'm sorry, but you're a fucking bitch. You need to go huddle in a corner and die. Look, douchebag, most of the people Tele "turned against you" already hated you for what you did, and as for whispers, that's her business isn't it? You're acting like a fucking commie, if you want to act like this, go join the KGB or something, because we have no tolerance for your bullshit. Also, if you hate these people so much, stop fucking hanging around here and go off in your own little world. There is no reason for this shit. Look, stop hanging around this site, stop getting people banned, and go make some friends, because you have none here. We already hate you, you can't change that. Now go get a nice cold glass of shut the fuck up. kthxbi.
Wewt, Go Andy. -Ganoes
Now as for YOU, Asheran.
You've really done it this time, you've really pissed me the fuck off. Y'know why? Because you are a lying little bitch with no life, a lvl 70 preist with teir 0.5 or whatever the fuck it is. I'm an Aetheist and proud of it, but that asside, if anyone would be going to hell, it's YOU! YOU LYING LITTLE BITCH SPAWNED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL! Why don't you go back home where you belong? CUT YOUR GODDAMNED WRISTS AND LEAVE US ALL THE FUCK ALONE! You can't have control over everybody like you'd want to. LEAVE GANOES AND TELEIA AND KANTA AND DARISTINE (although I'm not sure how she got involved, but thanks for doing so XD) THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!
Why do you have to be a bitch? So yeah, you've got a mental illness, dominating people on world of warcraft won't fucking help you. You are a hypocritical bitch for hating lesbians and whores BECAUSE YOU ARE A LESBIAN AND A WHORE!!! Get the hell over yourself or GO FUCKING DIE!
THE SUBJECT IS OVER! YOU'RE CUT OFF BITCH! WOOOOO TANG!!! Next time you threaten me, or any of my friends Asheran, no god, no heaven, and certainly no holy magic or teir 0.5 crap, OR VIRTUAL REALITY GAMING THAT YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE DOING will save you.
Elfy, Have my children o.o
*hugs elfy* <3 aww the <3 is for getting a blogger account. *gives him a keg* this is for that comment. ^^
That was made purely of epic, Elfy.
Oh, and by the way, Ash, you try to start any more shit, I will make you wish you weren't born. I will take you down so fast, even God can't help you.
Is it my fault so many religious comments are being made, cause of my religious talk of the Devil? XD
I got Involved By talking to asheran about how she said she was ince in OOC, I mentioned Teles Blog and then she started called Tele and the rest of us Animal Fuckers. She said Ditch Them and be my friend. Sorry If i have to give up 1 friend to keep the rest, I'm keeping the rest and dropping you. So i said this to Asheran, tried to make her Apologiese, Then We just stopped talking.
+ Elf for sayinbg that big Post, Have COOKIE! -Hands a cookie to Elf-
Hey, Cool! My Gmail account works here too!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
And just to not break the mold...
Ash we hate you ^-^
i've been trying to think up a tag line for my site...
i think i just got one, though.
The OFFICIAL Asheran Hate Club.
One more thing Asheran...
You said you are nowhere as near fucked up as Teleia is. That is a goddamn lie. Yeah, Teleia may have inherrited bipolar and have ADHD or whatever it is, but from the people I know and the messed up family I have, I know that Teleia copes with these things better than I have ever seen. Teleia has absolutly NOTHING wrong with her at all.
You on the other hand, lie, blame that on your mental illness, lie some more, roleplay being a lesbian on WoW, lie, harass people so badly that they cuss you out and get banned. And did I mention lie? The one time I instanced with you, you screamed (and I swear to god this was a macro) "GET THIS MONSTER OFF ME OR I'M LEAVING!" What person does that? So yeah, you have armor that can be damaged easily... no big deal. Anyone in my opinion who cries over their repair bill is just plain greedy. Repair bills, if you make a good ammount of gold, cost literally a small fraction of the gold you actually have. After several mob battles, the group fell appart due to your accusations. I talked with you after it, and one of my last comments to you was, "take it easy, it's just a game." Your response, "Don't try that trick with me, boy." I didn't want to fight with you anymore so I just said "whatever". But what I did say before that was, "Nobody can be perfect" Asheran, and you are nowhere near perfect as your lies obviously make you out to be.
And then, outta the blue, you come up with this bullshit about Teleia fucking animals because she roleplays a worgen. And then you do the same to Ganoes for defending her? Do you suppose I fuck animals too? Maybe Kanta and Daristine and everyone else who has posted? Bullshit Asheran. I dunno where you got that idea from, but you're an idiot for that.
Oh I'm not done yet, I've got soooo much more. You then have the balls to say that Teleia will be sued for posting something on a website which is HERS? Oh boy, that's a good one. Ash, you're a fucking idiot; how do you expect someone to get sued over something they do in a COMPUTER GAME? Sure, she may get in trouble with blizzard, but blizzard only cares about what kinda curse words are said. They don't take into account the fact that you are just a plain bitch. Plus, everything that they say is a macro. They have automated answers for everything you say. Do you really think they give a crap about their jobs if they use macros to do whatever?
Asheran, my family is more fucked up than anyone on this website. I know people. Behind this computer Asheran, you're a wreck. You're sobbing your eyes out and cussing us out with every cuss word there is in alphabetical order. You know how I know? Guess what, I've seen more cases of that than you will ever know in your whole life. Behind your computer, you're just misirable. I wouldn't be surprised if you've already started taking anti depressants. Here's how you can make that stop. Appologize, appologize to everyone on this website and you can make it better. But until then, there's nothing you can say, no lie you can concoct, or no religious beleif that you can threaten us with.
...and therein it ends until ash shows us if she wants to apologize. if she cares about herself at all, that is.
I see nothing I need to apologize about. Also, I'm not a lesbian nor do I roleplay a lesbian or bi. Just because someone has a lesbian or gay friend - that automatically makes them gay now? I will only apologize when all of you apologize first. Especially Teleia for starting this fight, and Ganoes for being a horribly fickle friend.
Me and Asheran have come to an agreement- We're all going to STOP hostilities, now. No insults. No mentionings. Suggestions. Anything. Asheran has agreed to the same, and is also going to let me know of any of you break this. I'm not -telling- any of you to do this, but I know -some- of you want to stop hostilities in this too. Any who agree to this, please leave a post saying if you do or not. And also, as Asheran will act on what you say/tell me, all of you need to watch what she says too. She has her part in the deal, as do we who accept to this. I -beleive- Asheran will leave this website alone afterthis, as well, so calm down before you say anything Wulfie. Thank you, have a nice day, hope I made some sense in this.
***Hostilities will start up again, if any of us, or Asheran breaks this agreement... and sorry to have started this without others knowing first.***
I second that motion, fervently.
Although I find it hard, having seen what she just posted, I'll second the motion to stop the fighting. But I still firmly think that we all deserve an appology from Asheran before we ever so much as think to give her one. Plus Ash, Gan told me he saw what you were doing the other day in Stormwind so don't lie to me anymore, I'm not an idiot, thank you.
What was I doing the other day in Stormwind? Talking to Adlyn and Syrinne right out in the open in the Cathedral District? I'm sorry if it's against the law to have gay friends.
Asheran, You used to judge everyone else if they had gay or bi friends. So STFU.
And Ganny. Speak for yourself.
Really Kanta? I honestly don't remember it at all, and I can tell you that from the bottom of my heart. People can be gay if they want to be, I have no problems, but please don't call me a lesbian or bi just because I have friends that are. :)
Then don't call me gay
You Fucking lesbian Bitch
I'm definitely purely straight. I like man parts only, thank you.
Tic, toc, tic, toc, counting the time before sanity ends.
Since when was there Sanity?
I don't know why you have to try to cause more drama Kanta.
Why sit back and let you take the first swing when I can get you first?
mmkay i'm awake now so i'll post.
for one thing, the agreement sounds like a lovely idea, but i know neither ash nor i will honor it. she'll keep saying i'm into beasitality and i'll keep saying she's a raging whore of a bitch. that's just what'll happen, since that's how humanity works, no matter how messed up either party is.
also, what happened to us using actual user names? ,v.v, myaaa...
for another thing, ash, i'll display the comment you left where you said kanta was gay and cybering with boys. mmhm you just got slapped again.
oh and..... if you're gonna lie about ever saying something... don't think these comments ever get DELETED. they just aren't being DISPLAYED.
to everyone, and even ash, have a nice day.
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the blog administrator.
6:07 PM
Wulfie said...
really, now, even if kanta and gan did do it with dudes, any sane person wouldn't have a problem with it. yeah, it's odd, but hey.
oh and yes, i did zap her. zapped her like a... bug zapper.
6:32 PM
scroll up, you'll all find this eventually. the site won't let me re-display the comment for some reason. grr >.< but yes, see, ash, you did say that kanta was gay. oh, but what's this?... gan, too?... mmm... someone's been lying again, ash. -.-#
Asheran, don't ever lie to me. I was with Ganoes that day, and you WERE being "a wee bit over friendly" as one of Ganoes's earlier comments state. We didn't start this fight, you did, and you've cleverly lied the evidence away by getting Tele to take the pics off the comment. YOU CAME TO TELEIA AND YOU BITCHED AT HER UNTIL SHE CUSSED YOU OUT! You have absolutly no right to do that and therefore, by keeping this thing going are IN THE WRONG!
You called Ganoes and Kanta man-whores. That is a lie. So for one thing, you lie about yourself and you lie about others. Asheran, you're stuck in your own trap. You've fallen through the hole with the spikes in it and you've got nobody to blame but yourself. Here's what you just don't seem to get and what you won't accept: you lie so much that you actually beleive your own lies. Here's a sure fire cure...
And in that book, the last sentence is, "A liar will not be beleived, even when they speak the truth."
Ganoes, you're like a brother to me, man. But this won't get you anywhere. Asheran's screwed up in the head, she's coocoo. This is EXACTLY how she convinced you to be her dog in the first place! She knows you're smart, she knows you won't be her dog again so she EXPECTS what you're trying to do. Ganoes, please don't do this. She'll try to turn you against us because she has no friends in this fight and she knows it. I'm sorry, but I'm taking back what I said earlier about seconding your motion. But Ganoes, if you do loose your sanity, remember your promise.
Asheran, if you don't see anything to appologize for, you either have a serious case of short term memory loss, or you simply can't read. So keep lying to us (and yourself I might add), keep making all your :) smily faces all you want. It won't change the fact that you are in the wrong and you simply won't admit it. You owe us all a serious appology. You have no more to argue, we've defeated all your points of argument. Face it Asheran...
But you just don't seem to get that. You owe us all an appology, but Teleia the most. You came to her on one of your alts because she had your main character on ignore and asked, "Can we talk" and then from what ensued you said she was into beastiality and fucked animals. You harassed her until she cussed you out. Then she got banned as a result so that gave you a sense that you were right. You couldn't be any further from the truth.
Now, several days later, you've caused this issue to be the BIGGEST thing on Teleia's webpage when it should be about HER life and HER roleplay and NOT YOURS. I was surprised when the 30th comment rolled around, but now it's over 100. This has gone far enough.
Yes, enphasis on...
Teleia, if the next thing she posts is not an appology, zap any and all comments of hers until she decides to drop it and leave us alone. But know this too, Asheran. If your next post is not an appology, know that we will shout your name through the streets of Stormwind and make sure that everyone on the server of Earthen Ring has your name on their ignore list. All that remains now is what your answer is.
Oh, Elf, is that a threat? Because I won't think twice of reporting you or anyone else for HARASSING ME if you decide to go through with that ingame. I didn't message her on an alt because "she had my main on ignore" (were you trying to make a joke?), I was playing my alt with my friends and I was unable to switch at the time due to instancing on it with guildies. And you guys are all seriously on crack if you think I called Kanta or anyone a whore or gay. YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES DOING THAT TO ME. You're seriously only hearing what you want to hear and it's quite obvious from all I've tried to say and what you've picked out and what you've deleted. Haven't you ever heard of a hypothetical statement? The reasons you are coming up with for ME being gay or a whore are what I was "applying to you" using your reasoning and asking if that sounded about right to you in that case. And really, Teleia, deleting every comment I say just to make yourself look good is a joke. Can't stand someone else's side of the story at all so you have to make yourself look like a 12 year old loser and delete everything bad against you? Grow up. Ganoes IS like a brother to me despite what you try to say to poison him against me, you fucktard. I've known him for quite a long time back when he used to play his dwarf alt in LoF a LOT. Frost and I always talked about it and joked about it and thought he was a cute kid. I'm sorry if you're so fucking stupid you can't understand liking anyone unless they're fucking or manipulating each other you sick sorry excuse for a dumbass.
I would've seriously gone through with the agreement Ganoes and I had made but Ganoes has some shitty friends like you and Teleia that choose to ruin any sort of peace that can be made.
Well Asheran... you brought it upon yourself. We tried to make peace by asking for an appology, but you just have to be right, doncha?
No Asheran, it's not a threat, it's a promise. But report me to blizzard if you will, it's not a bannable offense. In fact, it's called BLACKLISTING. I'm sure you've heard of it before.
You continue to lie. I was in group with Teleia at the time. Yes, she did have your main on ignore and you DID come to her and say "can we talk". You forget that before she removed the pictures of the chat, she actually HAD THEM UP. It was the first thing you said to her.
We're not the ones harassing you. YOU ARE HARASSING US. You will not let it go and you won't let up. US trying to poison Ganoes against YOU? Puh-lease. You think he was ever on your side? The only reason he wanted to do that was to make you shut up, get close to you, and then find something that would get you banned. He also told me that one more banning and it would be permenant, and he said that he knew if you lost WoW that you would kill yourself. I had some deep philosophical chat with him after that and convinced him out of it. So if what he said is true Asheran, you owe me your worthless life.
We're not immature by zapping all your comments, we're putting you on ignore just like in WoW because YOU are the one harassing US. And you won't let up. We've already told this story to two guilds who have blacklisted you, Asheran. It ends here and now.
I'm surprised with someone with such a bad "mental illness" could say such things like this and actually feel compassion for another being. So yeah, call me a fucktard, call me a sorry excuse for a dumbass, call me anything you want. But the fact is that all of us here will get more out of life than you ever will. Guess what Asheran? Blizzard won't do anything to me or anyone else for telling people to ignore you. You know why? It's called Blacklisting, just like how people deal with ninjas in the game. So go ahead and do it. You'll only make yourself look like an idiot in front of Blizzard.
Teleia, zap anything else she says. She's obviously so stuck up with herself that she doesn't want to accept her own faults.
This ends now. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollers. Goodbye Asheran.
"I'm sorry if you're so fucking stupid you can't understand liking anyone unless they're fucking or manipulating each other you sick sorry excuse for a dumbass."
ash, that was my favorite part. <3
anyways. i'm not even gonna talk to her from this point on, since... she doesn't understand english. so. if anyone wants the screenshots posted again, i'll do so. either that or i'll send them to you personally. only if you ask, though, y'know.
what else, what else, what else... oh, right. it's kind of odd to say someone's like a brother to you when you sorta treated them like a subordinate of a boyfriend.
ah. i said i wouldn't talk to her anymore, didn't i? hm forget that part, then.
and yes, i will zap her. starting directly after elfy's last post.
Do you really, have NO life whatsoever, that you have to sit on the computer, and insult people, who ROLEPLAY on WORLD OF WARCRAFT to occupy your time? Jesus, christ. Go get some real-life friends, or something. Everyone is sick of your bitching.
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