
"One of her moods again!"

Yep, I was in one of my bitchy moods again lately, and unfortunately for Gan, he was the only one around to talk to me. (aka get it all dumped on HIM) This time, like many others, I was ticked off about how men have it easier than women. He said that it was pretty even, but I listed off plenty of things, like how guys aren't expected to be gorgeous/strive to be beautiful, behave nicely, follow orders, wear makeup, yadda yadda yadda. He eventually said he agreed that men have it easier.
And now I have a research paper to do. Guess what I'm doing it on?
Societal expectations of ladies.
Of course, I'm finding out many more things to bitch about.
Incarcerated women shackled during labor
Women's rejection of abortion laws. This makes me wonder... Is it mostly men who want abortion to be illegal...? Hopefully Bill O'Reilly has learned his lesson...
Quote: Foeticide and infanticide
UNICEF notes that “Where there is a clear economic or cultural preference for sons, the misuse of [pregnancy diagnostic tools] can facilitate female foeticide.”
This seems to say that many cultures think it's shameful to have daughters. (Link)

As you can see... it's gonna be hard to make this thing only about three pages or so...


Anonymous said...

I see your point, although guys (younger mostly) are expected to be muscular and stuff which a lot of em can't quite do most of the time. My views are that abortion should be legal during the first 3 months. After that would be the only time that it should be called Infanticide. lol, that's the strangest weap you've ever linked, Tele. XD.

Avenn said...

I agree with Elfangor. Guys have it just as hard as girls, if not slightly harder, for reasons we'll discuss later.

Anonymous said...

I think there at least even (don't hurt me Teleia!) I'm one of the guys who aren't strong so I know it is hard for guys ^.^

Anonymous said...

You do realize guys are expected to provide for their family, and as a man with children you are an utter failure if you can't feed, house, and clothe your family. my dad is gone 12 hours every day working his ass off, and my mom works as a part time teacher.

I will say women have their own difficulties, but I believe it is pretty equal. Women mostly have a period of about a decade, where they have to raise children, which is very hard. After children get older they don't require alot of attention.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Bill O'reilly is annoying as hell.

And I agree with Elfy on abortion.

And men have one ultimate problem.
Itchy ballz.

Curator said...

on abortion: guys, you don't know what the feeling would be if you had only 9 months to plan for an unplanned kid. and if you had your mother breathing down your neck about it. and if your friends thought you were a slut for letting it happen. true, some see abortion as the easy way out and the thing girls do when all they wanna do is fuck, but it's really not. gotta consider it...

on guys being strong: lots of girls don't really care if a guy's strong or not. some even view great physical strength as a sign that the guy's a brute. some are even turned on by skinny, nerdy guys.

on men supporting the family: yeah, you work your ass off at work all day, but do you ever get annoyed at someone at your job and want to yell at them? of course you do. a mom's job includes dealing with annoying, screechy kids. can they really hate them or ignore them or tell them to fuck off? no. and plus, who teaches a girl to be a housewife? for careers, anyone can go to college or an apprenticeship to get experience.

on kids not needing attention after "about a decade": okay how bout this: what do you do with a depressed teenager? what about when they get in trouble in school? what about when they get bad grades, which reflects on the mother's raising of the child? yeah, they require less attention, but they still require a lot of attention.

on child labor: guys, really. you will never actually have kids physically. you can father them; you can't HAVE them. the only kind of pain that you can get that is even close to that of going into labor is if you get a kidney stone. and this is from women who have both had kids and kidney stones. (mum >.>")

plus... lots of people think girls are only good for sex, bearing children, and taking care of the home to please the man.

not fun.

good reason to not have kids, that. *doesn't want to have kids EVARRRRRRRRRRRR after what a nightmare of a kid she's been*

Curator said...

try this on for size: it's summed up right here.



but we can always have a bit of revenge by getting married and making our HUSBAND go out and buy tampons for us. ;D

Anonymous said...

I respect your opinions, but PLEASE don't become a feminist. Feminists annoy me.

Anonymous said...

Oh perty please let's not get into the whole "you're an annoying femenist" thing. I've had enough of 'annoying femenists' in my life.


K, Tele, I agree with a TON of the stuff you say. Guys (once again, mostly younger) deep down are all brutes. All of em are driven by the nexus center known as their genitals. As an old friend of mine once said, "The left nut is the real nut, the right nut is the man's brain."

The way to avoid the problem, refuse to have sex with the guy unless he's got a balloon over the cannon. XD.

On the social front, guys have the one thing that tops girls for embarassing. It's like Jaws: it can strike at any moment and most boys are powerless to stop it.

Hard ons.
Otherwise known as boners. If you're a guy and you haven't had this happen to you, there's something wrong wit'cha. It happened to me a couple of times back when I was a kid and I got pretty embarassed when it did.

A decade is nowhere NEAR enough time that needs to be spent on a kid. It's more like two...
If any of you become parents here's my advice (though this is based on my having to take care of a neice, and a nephew ((and a raging whore of a cousin, har har)) ). Always be there for them and always care for them. When they request space, back off for a bit, but always be there to reassure them.

If a girl wants to get an abortion, it should be nobody's problem but hers. Though a lot of women may disagree with me, I see 9 months as a great deal of time, 3 months is also enough time. If another girl harasses a pregnant girl, here's what I'd do. I'd tell them to STFU, go get their ass laid, and come back and talk to me when THEIR stomachs had gotten a wee bit bigger.

And if your man thinks all you're good for is a slot machine for babies, slap the shit out of him, kick him in the balls, and leave his ass.

And yes, after this conversation, I DO feel like Dr. Phill.

Just one final note...

What is said on the blog STAYS on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Umm, you all left out a big detail. . . as Xzorn stated earlier "And men have one ultimate problem.
Itchy ballz." this is very true.

Curator said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh xzorn you shouldn'tve said that... "Feminists annoy me"....

someone once said "people call me a feminist when i request better treatment than a doormat."

and el, girls get itchy too. we just don't scratch. -.-

Anonymous said...

Ironic enough, the night I read this, history channel came on talking about the "Queen Warrior" pretty interesting, too bad I didn't stay awake for the ending.

Anonymous said...

And yeah, men are known for scratching in public. . .

Curator said...

*points and laughs* XD

White-Wolff said...

You guys all fail? Women do have it worse off, I've seen girls in school do better than me in school and get a lower grade, all older men are usaully sexist, And the fact that for men, Sexist publishers and recruiters will take us for jobs like construction and stuff like that A lot easier, also the point about abortion, Let the women dicide, let it be legal, their choice, if you think it's bad, don't do it, Also I have on counter about Jane's point, I *notes ME* think that women shouldn't have to wear make up, I think they should show who they are, another reason I don't like it is because it takes them an hour to put it on, making me late ALL the time!!!!

White-Wolff said...

Yea I spelled decide wrong...

Leave me alone..

Anonymous said...

Wait wait
You said that make up makes YOU late...



For one thing, older men are NOT all sexist. Take it from me, I'm 26 and I'm nowhere near sexist. Although, I've got some female femenist relatives.
Another thing, I've seen PLENTY of female construction workers and they weren't all Brunhilda or however the heck you spell that.

I think most of us agree that men and women have an equal ammount of problems. Lemmie sumarize...

Girls Guys
Being sexy Being strong
Pregnancy Fatherhood
Housework Putting food on table
Itchy boobs Itchy balls
Hairy armpits Hairless legs
Popularity Being called a fag
Periods Hard-ons

Also, the whole thing about moms being the ones to stay home is a stereotype. There are a lot of women out there who do the work and have their husbands stay home.

Another thing, girls don't HAVE to wear make-up. They CHOOSE to.

And as a final note, it's not always girls that get screwed over after a night of sex, mmkay? And anyone who tells me otherwise is gonna get a dummy-smack, because I met this girl a long time ago. Real nice looking, y'know. She told me she couldn't get pregnant if we had sex due to this pill she was taking so we did...
Couple weeks later she tells me she's pregnant. I'm all "WTF?!?!" and begging her to get an abortion. She says she won't because she thinks God's gonna punish the hell outta her.
Six months into the pregnancy she tells me she's gonna go for some child support shit to try and get money from me after the baby is born.
And lemmie tell something to you, there is no worse feeling of helplessness that you can possibly feel.
However, it was a still-born. So yeah, I lucked out. I REALLY lucked out.

And yes my friends, that's partly the reason why I'm against cybaring and online dating.
I'm no femenist or vice versa, but I gotta tell you...

It goes both ways.

Anonymous said...

I messed up with the whole, guy vs girl thing... they were supposed to be separate but they came out next to each other.

Anonymous said...

Elfy has a point.

And even though women are the ones who give birth to children, when does it stop being THEIR rights and start to become the child's rights. At a certain stage in pregnancy it SHOULD become illegal to abort. However it is my opinion that abortion should be an option later IF the woman's life is in danger.

Anonymous said...

This comment has nothing to do with the previous post but um. . .
Tele, I need to give you your runecloth and stuff SO GET ON!!! Unless of course you are grounded or something (i.e. need to reinstall wow), then I totally take that back.

Curator said...

lol elroid i've been gone for like 5 days waiting for this stupid patch to download... yes, it's still not done, either. and thanks much for the cloth! ^^

and wolf, thanks for the defense. much appreciated, especially after xzorn's comment.

elfy. you're not old. 26 IS NOT OLD!!! ZOMG! O.O good points made, though.

xzorn, there's a reason little tiny kids i.e. babies are called dependents. i'm not saying if you have a 1-year-old go ahead and kill it if it ticks you off, but i AM saying that if there's a kid that won't have a chance of life (FORGET the childbirth killing the mother for a minute) better than living in a slum and being beaten up, joining a gang, and dying from an overdose of crack... then abortion is a wonderful solution. besides, since when did people care about living kids? (people, meaning the government that makes stupid laws like no child left behind and other bullshit) they're fantasizing about this idea of hope. hope, which is in fact the eighth deadly sin, is what makes them hope for the child to live through birth, thinking it's an amazing thing that "oh the child has a chance to have a wonderful life!" yeah and look what that kid might/most likely ends up with...
and then consider the parents. if they want an abortion, by all means, give it to them. it's a good sign that they know they can't support the kid. plus... did i tell you about the extreme case of neglect that caused my english teacher to quit her job at a newspaper? if not, just say so and i'll tell you. it's the best possible example of why to not let some adults become "parents."

and another point wolff brought up: if you're against abortion, then don't fuckin have one. simple as that. no reason to be messing with other people's emotional/financial/social lives that change so dramatically after a child is born. it sounds insensitive, but that's how it is.

Anonymous said...

And if you disagree with murder, don't kill someone. If you disagree with vandalism, don't vandalise someone's house.

In a civilized society we allow people a maximum of freedom without obstructing the rights of others. The unborn child has rights too.

I'm not saying abortion should be illegal. It shouldn't be. But I believe it needs to be done very early. At some point it changes into murder. Is it so hard to decide in the first 3 months?

Anonymous said...

As a second note. Please finish dling patch. srsly.

Anonymous said...

As a side note, while you're DLing the patch, why don't you...

I luv cookies.