First up, my internet has returned! It turned out that if one of the phone lines was fucked up, the other ones would all die. Lovely. Anyways, so it turned out that it was a problem with my computer's cable. The cord looked just fine; not frayed or anything, but when I unplugged it from the phone jack, the other phones went dead. Replace the cord, and we're back in business. How annoying is that?
Anyways, this pic is one I drew of Xzorn (yes, that's who that is. be happy. i drew you!) while listening to the CD "Systematic Chaos" by Dream Theater. It's got two songs on either end of the track list called "In The Presence of Enemies" parts I and II. Look up the lyrics. I thought they suited Xzorn's rp perfectly. <3
And for girls, here's one thing to do before you die. Talk to Shinro on the phone. Mmmmmmmmmmmm pretteh pretteh voice.
I'm... So... Cool...
Guess what I did this weekend! I went to Austin City Limits music festival and saw Muse with a bunch of college students! It was so cool!
Alexander Hunn
This suks
Wow suks
Lol, I rocked your socks, then hit on you
-Love Jorngen, (Not you tele, I meant love at Xzorn, hes sexy)
Hawt ass drawing... now do one of Elfy that nice. Makes him look like Arthas.
i started to do one of elfy, but i couldn't figure out what pose to put him in. plus, how the hell do you make a night elf look realistic? o.O
and xzorn, you suck. you saw muse. AGAIN. grr... t(' 't)
Well YOU'RE the expert drawer! You could look at the drawing of zorneh and then instead give him long hair and big ol ears... and make him taller. And make him muscular... that's your elfah.
As for the pose.....
Tele you know how demon hunter warglaive's look? Give him a couple of those if you find it out. There's also a couple of pictures of Demon Hunters on Bliz's fanart stuff... Check there.
Hmm... pose... have him fighting someone... or something. Or just make it look cool, I'm good either way. :D
Elfy... Pink and green elves just aren't that cool...
agreed... it shall be black and white...
and what do you wanna be fighting? -.- if you don't specify, it'll be a kobold--...
Dun make me fight a kobold... make it either a fel guard or some other human dude.
maybe a bunch of... idk... armored humans... hm... or you could send me a picture of your cousin ;D
Armored humans sounds fine... or you could have me fighting this orc warlock that I killed (Lord Fel'Dan of the Shadow Council) and cutting off his head.
Good luck getting a picture of my cousin... she's one of those people who throws her hands up in front of her face whenever you try to get a picture and if you do manage to get a picture she demands that it be destroyed... I don't get why but hell if I'll ever know.
But yeah... I like the orc warlock idea.
btw dunno if this helps any but I was looking over the old drawings and I like the way you drew Elfy looks in the man-hug scene the most out of the elfy drawings. Just thought I'd let ya know.
This is great info to know.
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