
Negative Faerie Lore

What it would look like on scratchboard... mmm... It'd look good. But damn, I already drew the thing, so I'm not gonna do it AGAIN. x.x That would suck. Real bad. Plus, I hate scratchboard. The film's too hard to control, even with tiny lines, it gets messy.
On another note, since I always say SOMETHING on another note, the guys at the drawing table kind of had trouble hearing me for like one sentence of conversation. Hey, when you're used to people not listening to you, it's easy to not bother speaking up. Plus, they pretty much hate all the music that I like, and since music is all they talk about (they're into the local punk stuff), I usually have no idea what they're talking about. >.< Greeeeeeeat.


Anonymous said...

I like it better than the positive, personally.

Curator said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, thats exactly what I did after I posted a message on your last bulletin. Copied the image and converted it to show the negative of the same picture.

Curator said...

lawl way to think ahead, el