Ah, how lovely to hear from people we don't like. There's absolutely nothing quite like it, no? In other words, Mr. Jerry White needs to just stop fuckin' talking to me. That'd be nice, I'd say. Especially since if I
want someone to talk to to be a nasty SOB, then trust me, I'll damn well ask for it. What a jerk...
I'll talk to you if you want!
I don't get it.
Xzorn, Look, Potatoes!
Teleia! I like text messages, they're free, Win.
And everyone else. Hi.. I'm Jorngen,
Ok wait. . .I know Jerry White is your ex, but. . .-who- is he O.o
xzorn: first get on WoW once in a while x.x for like more than five seconds..
jorn: i don't get free texts :P i have a 500 limit. so they're good for you, but i have a limited supply.
elroid: jerry white is a stupid asian guy that i went out with for a year and a half and ever since then, he's been rude and spiteful. what a winner, hm? >.<
Assholes suck... most of the time...
>.O XD
In any case...
And if he comes on WoW to harass you with more bullshit (unlikely) tell him that Teleia has a family tree.
There's Tele. Then Tele's big bro Avenn. Then there's Teleia's perverted cousin several times removed named Jorngen. Then there's Tele's first cousin: Andeh. And then there's Tele's friend Elroid. Then there's Tele's BF Xzorn (assuming such, hyuck hyuck hyuck). And then, there's Tele's older friend Elfy... and we'll ALL jump the lil fucker if he starts shit.
Oh wow Elfy. . .that is all.
Hey elfy, Why aint i in that tree?!
Come here....-Has a permanent marker-
yeah, elfy, dari's tele's uncle's cousin's brother's mother's friend's former roommate!
you get a cookie if you know what that's from <3
you mess with one of us, and yer messin' with the WHOLE [trailer] park!
trailer park humor
kek ^^"
Hehe! Least i'm somewhere in there!
i feel so loved <3
Post something now. <<
Oh teeeeellllllleeeeee... I checked your armory page in an attempt to stay in touch with wuz goin on in WoW...
YOU SWITCHED BACK TO SUB?!?! I'MA KEEL YOU!!!!! MRGLBRGLGRGLROAR!!!! *charges, hopefully people will hold him back*
Jordan says:
I feel like a good castration is in order for Jerry....
but then again....I wonder if it would really matter...hmmm
Jordan says:
btw....that quote you used....totally jacked from space balls...
"Um sir?"
"Um...do you think we are being to literal with this thing?"
"The president said comb the desert so that's what we're doing....HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING?"
"Not yet sir."
"How about you?"
"No sir nothing."
"How about you men over there?"
btw i felt special and i didn't feel like using the "other" choice...I like using Anonymous and then totally confusing people with FAQs such as...
"Why do you tell people that you're Anonymous?"
and more frequently asked...
"Why are you so damn gorgeous?"
Some things are ment to just not be known....
Great! A place filled with premature 12 year olds discussing about somebody they don't even know. By all means if it makes you all feel better about yourselves, take a stab at this poor guy. By god if it gives you a wisp of hope in your dream-land to be that much closer to your fantasy, then feel free to drop all of your moral codes to talk badly about a complete stranger. Who knows, it might even get you on the good side of someone you have a secret E-Crush on. And everybody knows what that could lead to. It might even give you the courage to talk to a girl in real life. OH BOY!
If any of you live the unfulfilled lives that you self-represent, then may I suggest stepping out of your self righteous ass kissing party and step outside once in a while for something other than your middle school environment. Perhaps by doing so the WOW gods might actually grant your genitalia permission to drop once and for all.
If anyone here is familiar with John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (without google-ing it), then you would understand how pitiful this situation is. Maybe some day this herd of inbred WOW kiddies might understand how minuscule these statements are and how irrelevant they seem to be for anybody. Yet if obtaining the realization that a lack of a deeper understanding of what could be considered "the greater good" is not what you were aiming for, then Fission Mucking Accomplished.
Da Svidaniya
sarah, shut up. -.- seriously, don't preach.
and uh elfy, dun kill me o.O you told me how useless shadowstep is... IN PVP. do i pvp? nuh. can i even be on a battleground without disconnecting? no. i loved being a sub rogue ;.;
oh and sarah, you're such a great person for telling these guys to leave jerry alone by insulting them for things OTHER than insulting jerry.
and really, if you were to tell that to EVERYONE that they shouldn't talk about someone they don't know, then a lot of people would hate you. sorry to say, but they would. that's how it works. i know it's not how it SHOULD be, but that's how it IS. they're rarely the same, as so generously demonstrated by our parents.
yes. OUR parents. craig leonard is your dad, whether you like it or not. you lost the initiative to at least be civil towards someone. i know he's been doing stupid nasty backstabbing shit, but how much better is it to do that right back to him if you're gonna preach later about how wrong it is to do that?
and deal with it if i like my internet guys and gals. know why i like them so much? they don't act as though i'm gonna punch them in the face if they so much as blink at me at the wrong time. that's how people at school act, and even my friends at school who i've become very close to still do that to an extent. one of them thinks i'll be mad if they hug me, so i don't get hugs. that kind of sucks. it's really shitty also knowing that you think the SAME GODDAMN THING ABOUT ME. i get SO sick and tired of that shit, have you ever noticed? you and mum would always joke about how i only wear black; i DON'T always wear black. it looks decent on me, and lots of funny shirts are done on black backgrounds. did you not notice that i wear green, brown, red, even *gasp* YELLOW shirts now and then? quite often, really.
another point to consider is how you snapped at these guys for their age. xzorn told me once that he hates being 12 because he doesn't want to be treated as a 12 year old. (note he's 13 now, but he was 12 when he said it) and look at how these guys can be so silly and have so much fun. you're always so serious about anything that goes wrong, which doesn't make the bad thing any better.
love you, sarah, i really do. you're an awesome sister, i mean i remember one time when i was like 5 and you were 8, and we were running around the greenhouse of an ACE Hardware store. i slipped and fell from the water on the floor, and skinned my knee kinda bad. you didn't point and laugh or anything. you helped me up and let me lean on you as we went to find where mum and dad were. and i remember how you tutored me in math when you could have been doing much more fun of things. i really sucked at being a student, too, and you put up with it. you even offered to tutor me in chemistry so that i could get a good diploma. you're an awesome sister. but seriously, don't attack these guys, since you're also attacking me by making fun of them hanging around on MY site.
alright? alright.
What makes you think I'm your older sister Wulfie?
You are upset because people judge you? Perhaps you should ignore them? So what if people don't like it that you wear black?
I am not judging you for what you wear, but merely your actions. Jerry is a kind and caring person, and it saddens me that you find it necessary to keep hurting him. And humiliate him over the internet.
In any case, its none of my business I suppose. Sorry to
Jee, I don't know you and I don't even like you already! Bitch who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Who do you think you are?
You call us twelve... if we were all twelve, you'd still be swimming in your daddy's ball sack when it comes to maturity. For one, Tele bitched about her ex and she feels she can trust us with stuff and not yell at her. The guy's a douche imo but you're about ten times worse.
IMO get a life and some friends. I'm sure your sister hasn't bitched out them or wouldn't bitch them out. Just because we have a friendship that lasts on a computer games doesn't mean we don't have lives.
You're gonna tell US about online fantaseys? You're just about the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Besides, you probably don't know Jerry White either so what makes you think that you need to stand up for someone who has been a douche to your sis?
Moral codes my ass, hypocrite.
As for Tele...
Meh, it's cool, if you wanna be a sub rogue it won't bother me.
Mmkay, maybe you're not her sister... you're still a dick.
Okay first of all you guys can go to hell you don't even know the details and the moment she says "my ex is a jerk" your calling me a douche and castrating me? man do you even know what i did? i dont even know what i did! get the real story before you go all internet mob on me
You know, it really disturbs me that people can't let each other be at peace. Tele's sister, does it affect you that they're trashing Jerry? No. You gave your speach because you probably got some kind of satisfaction at it. It's her site, anyway. It was pretty low to insult them on empty assumptions as well. And Elfy, I love you, but you don't need to be so defensive. It's just adding more fuel to the fire.
Tele and Sister.. Look... Be nice to each other. From what I've heard you can't depend on your father. You shouldn't become alienated with each other as well. Who else do you have then?
I've put in my two cents, and I don't really want to say anymore because the fire will just grow even larger.
-Alexander the Zealotty, Son of Richard the Silly
I apologize for all of the grammatical errors in that.
You don't blame me, right? I'm only 13. :P
OK, lets get this straight. I am not Tele(wulfie)'s sister. Sarah has nothing to do with this.
Meh, you're right Xzorn... sorry guys, shitty day yesterday.
alright, then, "leonard," who the fuck are you, then? better say it, lest you portray yourself as a coward.
Umm... Come on people you're fighting over the internet just chill out. I mean really I don't know the details but Tele has a right to speak her mind, but we don't need to yell at a guy we don't really know this is what ends friendships and starts fights. Neither one is all right or all wrong just make peace and get it over with. 'kay? Well good ol' Ard tried his best to keep a friendship that's all I can do! ^.^ hope it works out but just don't fight no need to. Whew that was a mouthful.
well put, ard. i could say some stuff about both sarah AND jerry now, but... naaaaaaaaaah.
Teh interwebs is teh evil....
no, just most of the people on the internet are evil/stupid. most likely stupid. i don't think evil even exists...
You're mistaken, evil definitely exists. But not alot of it.
My thoughts
Tele's sistwer = own
Everyone = Funneh
meh, whatever the case is, right?
-You just been attacked by Daristine-
Meh, yer all odd balls. Who ever's under "Leonard".. I laugh. And I thought I could be an asshole, haha! You take that term and run wild with it.. But wot ever. Jerry? Mate? Most of us comment because we've heard the tales in OTHER places, 'sides this little chat-forum. Aye? Ye comprehend? Or is your head still smoking from "Wha what did I do?" syndrom? What ever the case, fueling fire, putting it out. I had to comment. Perhaps I can take another bite out of you two later. G'day!
-Ganoes, A.k.a. Logan Rose, yo!
Roar! No comments? No.. retaliation? NO FUN FOR ME?! Augh, you bastards. I was ready for another kick n' go.
-Loganator the Baconhater, Arch Enemy of Humpy the Baconator! Kek.
Y'know... Leonard Skynard is actually a brand of hand bag. I saw it when a friend of my cousin's came over the other day. That was most likely Jerry who bitched out at us.
And Gan... what the heck is wrong with you?! YOU DON'T LIKE BACON?!?!?! *slaps Gan with a piece of raw bacon, cooks it, then eats it*
I used to love bacon, until Humpy became the infamous Baconater. I became his arch-enemy, the Baconhater, and plotted to burn all bacon on earth! ... And eventually rule that earth.
uhhhhhhhhh this reminds me of a lunch room story.
alright, one day for lunch we were having bacon cheese burgers. i'm in the third lunch of the day though, the last one, so there wasn't any bacon left to go on the burgers. but they didn't tell me that when i bought one. so when i got to my table, i found i had NO BACON O.O. i marched back up to the lady at the cash register and demanded a refund, saying to her that i would never have bought the damn burger if i knew it had no bacon. she was like "oh fine i'll refund your money i SUPPOSE." and i kinda doubt she did, since the lunch ladies act like everyone's got a freakin vendetta against them. everyone might as well, though, the way they bitch us out and make us pay more than the lunch actually costs.
yes, they can get away with that.
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