
No, I -don't- want a comic about sex.

Bitching time.

If you go to Top Webcomics, you'll see a hundred cool webcomics that people vote for. My problem is... the descriptions. No, in fact, I don't want a comic about sex. Or sex with furries. Or gay sex. Or lesbian sex. Or any other "interesting sexual roads." What the hell happened to good fantasy/adventure comics? Granted, there are a lot of those on there, but goddamn, guys, way too many of them are about fucking in interesting ways.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that there's more to life than that. And more to storylines than that. I don't care if I sound like some uptight bitch by saying this, but seriously... People are running out of ideas. I've noticed it myself. I've been writing lately, and I can't help but think "Hey, this sounds kinda like ." It's so great to feel as though you've made something original, something fresh, something people haven't seen before. But it's getting harder and harder to figure out stories... At least Allidar's rp is kind of interesting and new-ish. I'm guessing someone somewhere has already thought of that, but y'know, it's kind of like that idea where if you put enough monkeys on enough typewriters for long enough, you'll eventually, from the sheer number of possibilities, get the works of Shakespeare.

Now that I think of it... that'd be interesting. See if you can get a random word generator. Say, a version of Microsoft Word that puts random words in a document. See how many tries it takes for it to make sense.

Free art via mail for whoever figures that out and can prove it.


Anonymous said...

I don't know. Most of your RPs tie into sex in one or more ways.

Curator said...

everything does eventually. but i don't base rp solely on that.

Anonymous said...

Well yeah but (I'm a different anonymous guy) it's kinda true that your RP's do involve sex. I'm saying this because I'm a good friend of yours and not because I'm trying to spite you, but that's a bit hypocritical.

Curator said...

you guys are missing the point. i was bitching about comics that were just about sex. not involving, not featuring, BASED ON some weird fantasy of an artist. does that clear it up? i'm not talking about stuff that leads to it. i'm talking about JUST it.

Anonymous said...

Many artists who make comics about sex have created many different other forms of art that have all lead up to that artist being requested by someone to create a comic about furry sex which involves some random doggirl.

Sex is Sex
Dog Girls are Dog Girls
Men are Men,
... (I'm a different anonymous than the other two as well)

Curator said...

seriously. tele's rp is more about how she can sniff you out and rip your throat out with her fangs rather than kinky tail shit.

honestly, who are you guys?